The Top Ten Reasons To Gift The Adults & Crafts Crate

If you're looking for a gift for a person who has even the slightest interest in crafting, congratulations you have arrived at the right place! This post will tell you the top ten reasons to gift the Adults & Crafts Crate monthly craft subscription box to a friend or loved one. 

First, in case you didn't know, the Adults & Crafts Crate is a monthly craft subscription box that sends all the materials, tools and instructions for engaging craft projects directly to your door. Our goal is to make crafting as fun and as convenient as possible. Every project is completely different than the next allowing our crafters to learn and practice a variety of different craft skills, and have finished projects they are proud to show off.

Let's get to the list...


1) It's Perfect for Beginner Crafters

First, we will acknowledge that yes our name is "Adults & Crafts". The reason we choose that name is that we pride ourselves by assembling projects that are 1) engaging and 2) aren't elementary projects like finger painting and drawing with crayons. We are not hating on crayons or finger painting at all, but you get the point.

While our projects are "engaging", they can be done by almost anyone. Our projects include all the materials, tools, and easy-to-follow instructions to allow the crafter to finish the project. Our instructions are more of a "guideline" and show one way the project can be completed, but where it really gets fun is when our customers' creativity takes over and takes the project in a direction we never could have imagined...more on that later!


2) It's Perfect for "Fair-Weather Crafters"

Let's explain the term "fair-weather crafter". Similar to the term "fair-weather fan" as a person who only becomes a devoted fan when their team is doing well, a fair weather crafter is someone who loves to craft as long as it is doesn't require too much prep work. For both situations, they are doing because it is easier.

This may sound like it has a negative connotation, but actually none at all! We started this whole business because we were fair weather crafters and wanted it to be as easy as possible to craft since we hated all the prep work. So we made a business where we do the prep work so our crafters can skip right to the fun part, crafting!


3) It's Perfect for the Master Crafters

As we mentioned in reason #1, we design our kits with a degree of freedom for our crafters' creativity to truly take over. Our instructions provide a roadmap to a completed project, but we love it when our crafters keep going way beyond that finish line and end up in a land we never knew existed. Honestly, they make us look like complete craftin' amateurs!

But we are not here to be craft professors (think more "influential guidance counselor that tells you how to complete that college application"), we are here to make crafting as convenient as possible, and even the most experienced crafter can dig that! Our kits give master crafters all the ingredients they need to cook up a masterpiece.


4) It's the Gift that Keeps Giving

There is a reason why the subscription industry has grown over 100% per year every year for the last five years, people love subscriptions! One of the reasons they love them is the surprise they get every month when unboxing their latest arrival. That is why we operate on a surprise basis, although we do tell if asked!

That same reason makes gifting a subscription one of the best gifts ever! Instead of opening one box, one time, the recipient will receive a surprise every month for as long as the subscription lasts, and will surely think of the gifter everytime a new box comes.


5) Each Month is Completely Different than the Next

Here is a reality of the craft subscription box business: not everyone is going to like every project. Unfortunately, there is simply no way around it. The good news is that if someone doesn't like the project one month, there is a high probability they will like it the next. That is because the projects are always completely different. As they say in investing: diversification is key!

Not only does that provide value in terms of keeping things interesting, but it also allows our subscribers to get introduced to a variety of craft skills. In the last year, our crafters have done wood burning, clock making, worked with resin, and even some cement work among many more.


6) Perfect Amount of Materials PLUS Tools to Keep Forever

There's nothing worse than having to buy a full gallon of paint for a craft project. Craft materials, like many household items, tend to accumulate over the years and many of them are tough to finish up.  We promise the recipient will not be upset with you because you are adding to their household item accumulation. We've been there and are here now to at least eliminate the craft materials portion of the issue. Our kits come with the exact amount (OK maybe a little extra) of craft materials to get the project done, reducing any unnecessary waste.

On the other hand, there is a portion of our kits where our crafters don't mind at all keeping around the house and that the tool! A majority all of our kits come with a tool that can be used for years, providing long-term value to the subscriber. In the last year, our subscribers have received a wood burning tool, soldering iron, hot glue gun, X-acto knife, craft scissors, and a hammer/screwdriver combo tool, just to name a few!


7) They can Re-Gift their Finished Crafts

You certainly don't want to get caught re-gifting something! But do the same rules apply if the recipient of our craft subscription gifts a finished craft? What if they give it back to... you! What better way could they show their appreciation for the gift they received than by giving a handmade creation back to you. Tell us, is that paying it forward or back?


8) It's a Gateway Gift

As mentioned in reason #5, our craft subscription allows our crafters to try a variety of crafts. Also, as mentioned in reason #6, we not only send the materials for the craft projects, but also the tools required. When you combine those two aspects, it is very common you will uncover a brand new hobby!

We like to use the term "gateway" as trying one of our projects can turn into a new passion very easily. For example, we have had numerous customer become expert wood burners after trying wood burning for the first time with our wood burning kit (did we mention "wood burning"?). The same can be said for marbling, embossing, and alcohol inking.


9) It Provides a Monthly Escape or Reason to be Together 

Obviously, everyone is different, but from our experience, there are two types of "time" people really enjoy spending: 1) alone time and 2) quality time with loved ones. One of the reasons why people love those two occasions could be because they enjoy escaping from their normal routine and doing something a little different. Which is definitely one of the main reason we love crafting (it is cheaper than therapy, right?)

Doing a monthly craft project, either by yourself or with a loved one, is a perfect way to achieve some of that quality "escape" time. It may even be the perfect excuse to spend time with a loved one you haven't had enough time with lately.  The fact our craft subscription comes monthly and doesn't require you to "show up" gives the crafter as much freedom as possible to do it on their own time.


10) It Couldn't be more Convenient and Provides that Sense of Accomplishment Feeling!

Convenience is a major buzzword today in the marketing world and there is a major reason why, because people love it and want it! Our craft kits couldn't be more convenient as they come directly to the door with everything needed to get the project DONE! This isn't a gift where you are forcing the person to schedule an appointment or travel out of town. They do it on their own time in the comfort of their own home.

When they do get that project done, they will feel one of the most sought-after emotions in the world: that sense of accomplishment you get when finishing something you are proud to have made. OK, maybe not every project will turn out perfectly, but hopefully they had fun trying! And when they do create that one they couldn't be prouder of, we guarantee you'll hear about it and feel pretty darn good too!


Honorable Mention:

- You can gift any length subscription and cancel at any time

- It is UNIQUE

- A lot of the finished products are functional (i.e. coasters, clocks, soap, cards, etc)

- You get a $25 Amazon Gift Card when gifting a year subscription!


So there you have it, ten reasons to gift the Adults & Crafts Crate monthly craft subscription box! If you agreed, head over to our subscription page and subscribe your friend or loved one up today!

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